Science Fair

Believe it or not, it is time to start thinking about the science fair!  I sent home a paper today that your child should have given to you about choosing their science fair topic.  This will be due in one week, on September 30th.   We talked in class about what makes a good science fair topic.  It should be a question that can be answered through fair experiments. is an excellent resource and I highly recommend using it throughout the science fair process.  Let me know if you have any questions!

Spelling Words

Here are this week’s spelling words.  I have the students in groups by color.  I forgot the green list at school (sorry!), so I will have to send that one out tomorrow.  Your child should know which color is theirs.  I give out new lists on Fridays and test on Thursdays.  Sorry for the delay in sending them home this week.  Since this is the first week we have done spelling, expect your student to move lists in the coming weeks as I get a better idea of their abilities.

Orange List:  cylinder, examine, fatal, feature, grasp, jet, marine, scar, tentacle, vessel

Yellow List:  affection, appeal, clasp, conspicuous, contribute, declare, eloquent, exhibit, ferry, immigrant, lofty, pedestal, persecute, poverty, unveil

Blue List:  avid, brusque, concise, demean, despicable, emulate, evoke, excruciating, inaugurate, pervade, proprietor, pseudonym, rebuff, resilient, turbulent