Leonardo Museum field trip, chili cook off

Dear parents,

Interestingly, this will be the first full week since the start of school after the holiday break. Monday should be a fairly normal day. We will be reviewing the Scholastic News magazines, continuing with the informational essay for the week with Utah Compose, using Scholastic News for some reading groups and touching on some math. In the afternoon is cultural work, looking at the European Reformation with the 6th graders, the climate zones of Earth for 5th graders and Neanderthals with the 4th graders.

On Monday February 5th we will be going to The Leonardo Museum in Salt Lake. This will be by car pooling, so please contact Alisha Coakley at eventhair@yahoo.com if you can carpool us to the museum. Permission slips will be going out early next week and please return them as soon as you can. We will be leaving from the North Shore parking lot at 8.30 am and returning for 3 pm pick up. Realistically, we need at least 5 drivers to get all the class to the museum. Friday dress code and a sack lunch please for the trip.

I’ve copied and posted the annual chili cook off information for Wednesday January 31st. Follow this link if you want to enter a pot of chili for the event: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/wgkpp.

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Thank you everybody, I hope you all had a lovely weekend!


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