The week of August 19

Dear Parents,

We will spend the first 6 weeks or so focusing on our peace curriculum. These lessons come from the book Honoring the Light of the Child by Sonnie McFarland. This week the lessons will focus on our love lights. A Love Light is the feeling you get when you do something that makes you feel good inside, it is also that place inside you that tells you right from wrong. You may refer to love lights as a gut feeling, the Holy Spirit, your conscience, intuition, inner voice, etc.. At school we will call them Love Lights, but this would be a great conversation to have with your child to help them tie this vocabulary with whatever vocabulary you use at home.
We will also have our first opportunity to make silence. This is a very common activity in an Early Childhood classroom, but it is also very misunderstood. We are not forcing the children to be quite. This exercise helps them become more aware and sensitive to the sounds around them. It also helps develop willpower and self control over their bodies. Finally this activity shows children that we must work together to achieve a collective goal. In the beginning of the year our silence may only last a few seconds but by the end of the year we may be able to be silent for several minutes. It is beautiful to see the joy that making silence can bring the children.

Class Pets
In our class we have 2 parakeets as well as fish. The children have the opportunity to help feed the animals. If you would NOT like your child helping with the pets please email me.

These first two weeks are the most difficult time for us during drop off and pick up. Our students do not know the procedures nor do parents. We find that no amount of talking about what to do at pick up/drop off will prevent every student from wandering off or running toward a moving vehicle. That is why as teachers we must have constant vigilance. It is not that we don’t want to talk to you, or tell you the amazing things your children did today, or reassure you that they will be ok, it is just that we are trying to keep the children safe. May I request that pictures with teachers be done a few weeks from now when things have mellowed out, and that if you need to have an at length conversation that you schedule time before or after school.
Here are some things you can do to make drop off/ pick-up bearable:
Pull forward (it is rule #1)
Pull forward (and rule #2 just to make it stick.)
Pay attention to teachers and volunteers directing traffic (it’s a dirty job!)
Stay in your car if you are using the pick-up lanes.
Ask for help (if you pulled forward and your student was not paying attention ask a teacher to assist you)
If your child needs help getting into our out of the vehicle, park in the parking lot. North Shore parking lot will be available after Labor day.
Use the cross walk (it teaches children to use it too, and we always want children to use the cross walk).
Come get your child, do not call for them to run across the parking lot to you.
Bring a snack. You may be waiting a long time and nobody likes it when you’re hangry.
Wait your turn.
Speak to teachers before or after pick up.
Be nice. I know it’s frustrating, but try to imagine your happy place.
Pay attention. Stay off your phone, students will step in front of cars.
Prepare other relatives/friends that may pick up, by explaining these rules and possibly sending them with a snack.

For the first week or so we will be outside assisting students at drop off. You can help by encouraging their independence, try not to carry them, make goodbyes short and sweet, if you must cry try to do it when they are not looking.

A.M. pick-up will be done at the front doors. Please pull all the way forward to utilize all the space at the front of the school. We will walk children to the cars and will encourage them to use walking feet and to stay as far away from the curb as possible. If they need help buckling up you can either park or pull all the way forward to assist them.

P.M. Pick-up will be done at the South end of the pick-up lane please follow the flow of traffic. Early childhood students must stay with their teachers. We will not let our students cross the cross walk to North Shore by themselves or with a sibling unless you send us an email explaining that this is what you prefer.

Have a great day!
Ms. Jen & Ms. Jess

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Welcome to a new and exciting 2019-2020 school year. We are looking forward to seeing our returning students and meeting our new students.  I know this is a long post but please read all of it.  Our main form of communication with parents is our classroom blog.  We ask you subscribe to our classroom blog to receive email notifications for weekly classroom updates as well as special  classroom notifications.  Here are the instructions on how to subscribe:

  • On right hand side of the blog page you will find “Subscribe to our blog” click on the blue link under that heading
  • When the “Email Subscription Request” page comes up enter your email address
  • Enter the spam code into the box provided and click on “Complete Subscription Request” button
  • Go to your email (if it’s not there check junk folder) to complete the activation steps.  Your subscription will not be complete unless you do this last step!

Here are some other things to help make our new beginning run more smoothly:

The state of Utah is continuing its assessment for all kindergarten age students. To allow us the time necessary to accomplish this we will be using August 12 through August 16  for assessments. There will not be school during this week for kindergarten students.  Kindergarten and preschool students will have their first day of school on Monday August 19th. We are asking all parents (preschool students as well) to sign up for 1 time slot for your child.   During the hour they are with us we will do the assessment as well as give each student an orientation to the classroom and playground.  The preschool students will only come for 30 minutes for an orientation.

Please sign up here

The school and MAPA use the track it forward website as a way to help parents keep track of their volunteer hours as well as find all volunteer opportunities in one place.  You will need to create an account before it will allow you to sign up for a time slot.  It can take up to 24 hours for the registeration process to be complete. Please be patient.  If you are having problems please email me.

For those parents who do not sign up by the August 12th they will be assigned a date and time.

We have a snack available each day for our students.  We ask families to sign up for and provide snacks for 2 weeks during the year.  The sign up sheets can also be found on the track it forward website.

Ms. Jen’s Classroom supply list 2019-2020

*Notice* The items on this list will be used during the regular school day. They may be brought from home on a voluntary basis. Otherwise they will be furnished by the school.

Personal items (labeled with child’s name)
– Backpack
– inside shoes/slippers
– Gallon size zip-lock bag which contains: pants, shirt, underwear, socks.  These need to stay in your child’s backpack all year.
– water bottle
– 1 inch white 3 ring binder with the child’s name on the inside cover
– package of 50 sheet protectors (please place inside the binder)
– Carabiner clip for your child’s backpack (non-locking)

AM classroom donations (please do not label)

colored pencils
ream of white copy paper
White construction paper/card stock
Playdough (red, yellow, blue)
1 box of tissue
sand toys

For your convenience and reference, I have added these items to a wish list on Amazon. Here is the link:

PM classroom donations (please do not label)

package of colored construction paper
1 roll of paper towels
Glue sticks
sidewalk chalk
blunt nosed child size scissors
sand toys

For your convenience and reference, I have added these items to a wish list on Amazon. Here is the link:

We have had a few questions on the dress code.  Click here to view a copy of it.

We are hosting a PreK-9th Sneak A Peak event on Friday, August 9th from 3-6pm. On the half hour, beginning at 3pm, then again at 3:30, 4, 4:30, 5, 5:30pm – Ms. Jess and I will  give an overview of the classroom as well as answer any questions you might have.  This will be an ideal time to drop off supplies, and check out the classroom with your student.  There is no RSVP just show up for a time that is most convenient for you.

We are looking forward to a great year. See you soon!

Ms. Jen & Ms. Jess

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2019-2020 school supply list

Ms. Jen’s Classroom supply list 2019-2020

*Notice* The items on this list will be used during the regular school day. They may be brought from home on a voluntary basis. Otherwise they will be furnished by the school.

Personal items (labeled with child’s name)
– Backpack
– inside shoes/slippers
– Gallon size zip-lock bag which contains: pants, shirt, underwear, socks.  These need to stay in your child’s backpack all year.
– water bottle
– 1 inch white 3 ring binder with the child’s name on the inside cover
– package of 50 sheet protectors (please place inside the binder)
– Carabiner clip for your child’s backpack (non-locking)

AM classroom donations (please do not label)

colored pencils
ream of white copy paper
White construction paper/card stock
Playdough (red, yellow, blue)
1 box of tissue
sand toys

For your convenience and reference, I have added these items to a wish list on Amazon. Here is the link:

PM classroom donations (please do not label)

package of colored construction paper
1 roll of paper towels
Glue sticks
sidewalk chalk
blunt nosed child size scissors
sand toys

For your convenience and reference, I have added these items to a wish list on Amazon. Here is the link:

The following link contains optional items that you may purchase for our class.  These items are not part of your child’s supply list.  These are items that we will be using throughout the school year.


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The week of May 20th


I cannot believe that this is the last week of school!!

Thank you to all the parents who helped with and endured our VERY rainy field day.  At least it will be a memorable field day even though it was not a warm sunny one.

Monday is our bridging ceremony (kindergarten graduation). The ceremony begins at 10:30 am.  There will not be class this day.  We would love to invite family to attend.  The program will be held in the gym.  If the weather cooperates we will have a picnic lunch after the ceremony. Please bring a sack lunch for you and your child and we will provide a dessert. Our preschool students are welcome to attend.

Many parents wonder why we refer to kindergarten graduation as “bridging”. Graduations are a special part of a Montessori experience.  It symbolizes  a “passing through”  and marks a significant period of growth in a child’s life. It is also an exciting beginning to new adventures and discoveries for the child.  Our children are not finished with their education, on the contrary they are just beginning.  We want to celebrate what they have accomplished as well as what lies ahead.  These are some of the reasons why we refer to this ceremony as a bridging ceremony and not a graduation.

Tuesday through Friday are early out days.  The morning class will be from 8:30 to 10:30 and the afternoon class will be from 11:00 to 1:00.  Tuesday – Thursday will be our final parent teacher conference.  We want to invite you to bring your student along so they can show you their portfolio.  Friday will be yearbook signing and we will be watching a slide show of the year.

Thursday and Friday are spirit days.  Thursday is crazy sock and/or crazy hair.  Friday is tie dye or sports team day.

We could not let the year end with out expressing our deepest gratitude to the parents for sharing your children with us!  They are amazing!! The little bit we might have taught them pales in comparison to what they have taught us.  It truly is a gift to be able to work with them every day.

Have a great week and a great summer!

Ms. Jen, Ms. Jess & Ms. Kimber

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The week of May 13th


This week we will be wrapping up our studies on the rain forests of Africa, flowers and butterflies.   This week we will also be collecting all of the Sam books.  If you have one hanging round your house please send it back.  We will be dyeing out shirts for field day.  I will send the shirts home on Thursday so your child can wear their shirt on Friday.

Friday is our field day at Oak Lawn Park 1200 E 2500 N, North Ogden.  Please make arrangements to drop off and pick up at the park.  The morning class will have their field day from 9 to 11:30 and the afternoon class.  The afternoon class will have their field day from 12:00 to 2:30.  Please have your child wear their tie dye shirt.  There is a chance of rain in the forecast.  Field day will happen regardless, but cross your fingers for no rain. We could use a few more chaperones on this day.  Email me if you would like to chaperone. Here is the sign up if you would like to help with snack for field day

Monday May 20 is our bridging ceremony (kindergarten graduation). The ceremony is from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm.  There will not be class this day.  We would love to invite family to attend.  The program will be held in the gym followed by a picnic with your child (weather permitting).  Please bring a sack lunch for you and your child and we will provide a dessert. Our preschool students are welcome to attend.

Many parents wonder why we refer to kindergarten graduation as “bridging”. Bridging ceremonies are a special part of a Montessori experience.  It symbolizes  a “passing through”  and marks a significant period of growth in a child’s life. It is also an exciting beginning to new adventures and discoveries for the child.  Our children are not finished with their education, on the contrary they are just beginning.  We want to celebrate what they have accomplished as well as what lies ahead.  These are some of the reasons why we refer to this ceremony as a bridging ceremony and not a graduation.

Have a great week!

Ms. Jen, Ms. Jess & Ms. Kimber

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The week of May 6


This week we will be talking about the animals of the African rain forest.  We will also talk about the parts of flowers and butterflies.  We have some painted lady caterpillars in our classroom. With any luck they should be butterflies in about 2 weeks. We will also introduce our last simple machine: the wheel and axle.  Our chicks are scheduled to hatch Wednesday. Everyone is very excited!  I will keep you posted.

Friday May 17 Field Day. Our field day will happen at Oak Lawn Park.  Morning class will be there from 9 am to 11:30 am and the afternoon class will be there from 12 pm to 2:30 pm.  We will need some parent volunteers to help this day.  If you would like to help please email me. In preparation for our field day we will be tie dying T-shirts please send your child with a white t-shirt to dye by Monday May 6th.  This will be the shirt they wear on field day.  Please let me know if you need the school to provide a shirt for your child to dye.

Monday May 20 Early Childhood Bridging. Families are invited to attend.  There will not be regular class on this day. Our preschool students are invited to attend.  As the date gets closer I will send home more details.

Tuesday May 21- Thursday May 23 Parent Teacher Conferences.  Your child will be showing you their portfolio they have been adding to all year.  These days will also be early release days.  Morning class is 8:30 – 10:30  Afternoon class 11:00 – 1:00.

Here are the links to sign up for parent teacher conferences

Tuesday May 21

Wednesday May 22

Thursday May 23

Friday May 24 Last day of school. This is also an early release day.  This will be our yearbook signing day as well as when we watch our end of year video.

Have a great week!

Ms. Jen, Ms. Jess & Ms. Kimber

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Parent Teacher Conferences


Here are the links to sign up for parent teacher conferences

Tuesday May 21

Wednesday May 22

Thursday May 23


We look forward to seeing you and your child there!

Ms. Jen, Ms. Jess & Ms. Kimber

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The week of April 29


I cannot believe that we only have 4 weeks left of school. Time is going too fast! Here are some important details you will need to know for the upcoming month:

Monday April 29 Shadowing. For those of you who are not familiar with what shadowing is let me fill you in. Each one of our kindergarten students goes to visit one of the 9 lower elementary classes.  They are partnered up with a student from that class and will do some activities and work in that classroom with their partner for about an hour. They will then come back to our class.  This is a great chance for them to see what they get to look forward to next year as well as ease some of their fears. Please make every effort to have your child at school this day.

Friday May 17 Field Day. Our field day will happen at Oak Lawn Park.  Morning class will be there from 9 am to 11:30 am and the afternoon class will be there from 12 pm to 2:30 pm.  We will need some parent volunteers to help this day.  If you would like to help please email me. In preparation for our field day we will be tie dying T-shirts please send your child with a white t-shirt to dye by Monday May 6th.  This will be the shirt they wear on field day.  Please let me know if you need the school to provide a shirt for your child to dye.

Monday May 20 Early Childhood Bridging. Families are invited to attend.  There will not be regular class on this day. Our preschool students are invited to attend.  As the date gets closer I will send home more details.

Tuesday May 21- Thursday May 23 Parent Teacher Conferences.  Your child will be showing you their portfolio they have been adding to all year.  These days will also be early release days.  Morning class is 8:30 – 10:30  Afternoon class 11:00 – 1:00.

Friday May 24 Last day of school. This is also an early release day.  This will be our yearbook signing day as well as when we watch our end of year video.

For our cultural studies this month we will continue to study the continent of Africa but we will be focusing on the rain forest biome. In biology we will be talking about insects with a focus on butterflies. In botany we will be learning about the flower and our next simple machine will be the screw.  We have some new practical life activities out for the new month and could use a few items. If you have any fabric scraps we would love to have them. If you would be willing to donate other items here is the link

“Our care of the child should be governed, not by the desire to make him learn things, but by the endeavor always to keep burning within him that light which is called intelligence.” Maria Montessori

Have a great week!

Ms. Jen, Ms. Jess & Ms. Kimber

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The week of April 22


Please remember that Monday is an early release day. Morning class is from 8:30 to 10:30 and afternoon class is from 11:00 to 1:00.

We just got our eggs to incubate from the Fremont high school FFA program.  The eggs should hatch around May 8th.  It is always amazing to watch this process!  To go along with this we will be talking about the life cycle of a chicken this week.

We will be putting the finishing touches on our class play Anansi and the moss covered rock. You should be getting an invitation but just in case this does not make it home here are the important details.  The performance will be Friday April 26th in the small gym.  The morning class will perform at 10:30 am and the afternoon class will be at 2:00 pm.

This week we will be finishing up our study of fruits.  On Wednesday we will be making a fruit salad.  Please send your child with a piece or small serving of their favorite fruit.  If their favorite fruit is watermelon (or any melon) please only send a slice 😉

We will talk about the animals of the African grasslands as well as introduce our next simple machine, the pulley.

I cannot believe that the year is coming to a close.  May can be a crazy month so I wanted to give you all a heads up on some important dates.

  • DIBLES testing this week (kindergarten students only)
  • Shadowing in lower elementary Monday April 29 (kindergarten students only)
  • KEEP assessment will be done April 29 – May 3 (kindergarten students only)
  • May 17th Early Childhood Field day .  We will be going to Oak Lawn park for our field day
  • May 20 Bridging ceremony (graduation).  There will be no class this day only the graduation.  More details will be coming soon.
  • May 21- 23 Early release for Parent Teacher Conferences
  • May 24 early release for the last day of school

We could use a few more eggs for our food prep job.  If you would be willing to donate please sign up here


Thanks to the many parents who have donated supplies!! Your support is invaluable!

Have a great week!

Ms. Jen, Ms. Jess & Ms. Kimber

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Bird report


On Monday I sent home a homework project with all kindergarten students.  If you kindergarten student did not bring this home here it is so you can work on it.

bird home project

Please email me if you have any questions.

Ms. Jen

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