

Just a quick reminder to send your child with a plain white t-shirt to tie dye for our play.  If you did not get my email last week here is what is happening.  We are making costumes for our play The Rainbow Fish.  We will be dyeing them Tuesday and Wednesday.  Let me know if you are not able to send one, we have had several donations of extra shirts.  Please email me if you have any questions.

Ms. Jen

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The week of April 17th


This week we will be doing a close read on the book The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister in preparation for our play on Friday.  Your child will be making an invitation for you but here are the details so far.  We are hoping to hold the performance in the library (fingers crossed 🙂 The morning class play will begin at 9:45 and the afternoon class play will begin at 12:15.  We will also be selling the fish magnets that the kids have made for our charity.  Please remember that Friday is also early out.

AM class is from 8:30 to 10:30

PM class is from 11:00 to 1:00

We will  be talking about  the different kinds of fish (cartilage fish like sharks, jawless fish like lamp rays and bony fish like trout, clown fish and angel fish)  along with introducing the Great Barrier Reef.  We will also introduce our next simple machine – pulleys.

Here is the link if you would like to volunteer this week  https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/zycuf

Have a great week!

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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The week of April 10


I hope you all had a wonderful spring break.  It seems crazy that it ended with snow, but we do live in Utah.

This month we will be studying the ocean biome and Australia will be our continent study for the next two months.  During our study this month we will be doing a close read on the book “The Rainbow fish”  we will also be putting on a play.  The play will be April 21st in the library.  We will be combining with Ms. Joy’s class to perform two plays, “The Pout, Pout, Fish” and “The Rainbow Fish”.  We will also be selling fish magnets the children will be making.  The money that we earn from the magnets will be donated to a charity that helps preserve ocean biomes.  I am not sure what it will be yet, as we hope to discuss with the children and have them help decide.

This week we will begin our study of oceans, start making fish magnets, learn the characteristics of fish, introduce Australia, learn about wheels and axels as simple machines, be introduced to shape in art, and learn to synergize.

We could use some help with our end of the year slide show.  If there are any parents out there that are just dying to get their 40 hours in at home and have some techie abilities, we could use you.  We have lots and lots of pictures that need to be complied together with music to make a slide show for the end of the year.  We would then need the slide shows burned onto DVD disks that we would provide.  If you are up for this, send me an email.

Here is the link if you want to volunteer this week https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/shzox

Thanks again for all you do,

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The week of March 27th


A big thank you to all of the parents that supported the Gala on Saturday.  It was so much fun.  We had a great time making our thumb print tree that was auctioned off.  Thanks to  those who donated to the class baskets as well.

As you know we are reading the Magic Tree house.  We are about half way through the book.  To go along with the dinosaurs that are introduced in the book we will be taking a closer look at Pteranodons, Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex.  We will finish up the book and talk about some of the plants that grow in the deserts of Asia.

Friday is the field trip to the Dinosaur Park. We sent home reminder sheets with the details but just in case you didn’t get it here they are again.

Most of you have already signed the permission slips so all you need to do is make sure your student gets to the location.  If you would like to come with us you are invited.  You will need to pay $4 for yourself and any siblings you want to bring too.

Dinosaur Park

Place:  Dinosaur Park

1544 E Park Boulevard Ogden

Purpose:  Learn about dinosaurs and reptiles

Date: March 31st

Time:  9:00-11:30 for A.M. Students and 12:00-2:30 for P.M. Students

Pick-up/Drop-off: Dinosaur Park parking lot


If you would like to volunteer this week here is the link https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/xkdfs

Have a great week!

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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The week of March 21


This week we will begin reading our first chapter book as a class.  We will read the first book in the Magic Treehouse series called Dinosaurs before dark by Mary Pope Osborne.  This is such a great series to start kids on for chapter books.  It’s about a brother and sister, Jack and Annie, that find a magic tree house that takes them to far away places, the first being to the time of the dinosaurs. We will read 2 chapters each day leading up to our field trip to the Dino Park on the 31st.

We will look at the life cycle of most reptiles, talk about some of the desert people of Asia and begin our study simple machines by looking at the wedge.  We will spend the next 2 1/2 months looking at the 6 basic simple machines.  They are the wedge, the wheel and axel, the pulley, incline plane, lever and screw.  Our big finale for this study is our field day which is a day of fun all revolving around simple machines.

Here is the link if you would like to volunteer this week https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/bfclp

Have a great week

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha


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The week of March 13th


This week we will be doing a close read on cobras that will tie into our study of reptiles as well as our study of the deserts of Asia.  We will also be talking about seeds and introduce a balance scale to go along with our study of weight.  Please remember that Friday is an early out day – AM early childhood is from 8:30 to 10:30 and PM early childhood is from 11:00 to 1:00.  There is no school Monday for teacher professional development.

I am sure you have heard about the Gala coming up on the 25th.  This year our morning and afternoon classes will be collaborating on 1 art project.  I am really excited for this but I could use 1 or 2 parent helpers for morning and afternoon this Friday  (early out day) to help finish it up.  Please email me if you are available to help – no skills required 🙂

Here is the link if you would like to volunteer this week  https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/jwyba


Have a great week!

Ms. Jen &n Ms. Martha

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The week of March 6th


This week we will introduce some of our new topics for the month.  They include reptiles, the desert biome of Asia and weight.  Just a reminder that we have a field trip on the 31st of this month to the Dinosaur Park.  We welcome all those who would like to chaperon, just send me a quick email.

Here is the link for volunteers this week https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/ketec 

Have a great week!

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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The week of Feb 27th


This week is literacy week at the school.  We will be participating in several activities throughout the week

Monday – We will begin the week by reading the book You are here for a reason by Nancy Tillman.

Wednesday–“Community Readers” We will be having volunteers from the community that will come in and read to the kids throughout the day.

Thursday–Literacy night.  Come and enjoy fun literacy games and activities from 6-8pm

Friday–– Read-A-Thon.  Your child may bring their favorite book to share with their friends.  We will begin the read-a-thon by sharing The book with no pictures by B.J. Novak.  It will be a great day.


We will also talk about Vincent VanGogh this week.

Here is the link if you are able to volunteer this week https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/lwloa


Have a great week

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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The week of Feb 13th

Dear Parents,

This week we will be celebrating Valentine’s on Tuesday.  Please send your child with 28 valentines.  Please only have them write who it is from.  It makes passing out the cards difficult since our students are not quite fluent readers.

Wednesday-Friday are parent teacher conferences.   Also remember those days are half days so please follow the half day schedule.

A.M. 8:30-10:30

P.M. 11:00-1:00

This week we will be learning about how the mind is able to use imagination and concentration to help us achieve our goals.  We will learn about the people who live in mountains of Asia.  Also, our Junior High mentors will be coming to read books to us.  We will be reading Dr. Seuss books all week.

We have a few Practical Life activities in our classroom that we would use donations for.  We are in need of oranges to juice and fresh uncut flowers for the kids to arrange.

I have noticed over the past few months that many are forgetting some of the dress code rules.  This is my least favorite thing to have to attend to in our classroom.  Please make sure that you child only wears jeans on Fridays.  Shirts/sweaters need to be a solid color – ne stripes or logos.  Everyone needs slippers in the classroom.  If you have other questions you can email me or check the school website for all the details.  Thanks for your help with this.

See you at conferences,

Ms. Jen and Ms. Martha

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The week of February 6th


This month our habit is Seek first to understand.  In botany we will be studying flowers.  We will look at the plants and animals that live in the mountains of Asia and talk about completing a circuit by properly putting together a flashlight.  We will read more books by Dr. Seuss and continue looking at measurement.

If you would like to volunteer this week here is the link https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/nabzs

Have a great week!

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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