The last week of school


I cannot believe the year is over! Thank you to all the parents who helped with field day and our trip to the nature center last week.  Both days were so fun.  Here is an overview of the week.

Monday is our bridging ceremony (kindergarten graduation). The ceremony is from 11 am to 12:30 pm.  There will not be class this day.  We would love to invite family to attend.  The program will be held in the gym and will go from 11 am to 11:45 am and then we will have a picnic outside from 11:45 am  to 12:30 pm.  Please bring a sack lunch for you and your child and we will provide a dessert. Our preschool students are welcome to attend.

Many parents wonder why we refer to kindergarten graduation as “bridging”. Graduations are a special part of a Montessori experience.  It symbolizes  a “passing through”  and marks a significant period of growth in a child’s life. It is also an exciting beginning to new adventures and discoveries for the child.  Our children are not finished with their education, on the contrary they are just beginning.  We want to celebrate what they have accomplished as well as what lies ahead.  These are some of the reasons why we refer to this ceremony as a bridging ceremony and not a graduation.

Tuesday through Friday are early out days.  The morning class will be from 8:30 to 10:30 and the afternoon class will be from 11:00 to 1:00.  Tuesday – Thursday will be our final parent teacher conference.  We want to invite you to bring your student along so they can show you their portfolio.  Friday will be yearbook signing and we will be watching a slide show of the year.

We could not let the year end with out expressing our deepest gratitude to the parents for sharing your children with us!  They are amazing!! The little bit we might have taught them pales in comparison to what they have taught us.  It truly is a gift to be able to work with them every day.

Have a great week and a great summer!

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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Field Day


Just a reminder that we have field day on Thursday.  We will be outside the whole time so please apply sunscreen to your child before hand and send them with a water bottle and wearing their tie dye shirt.  See you tomorrow.

Ms. Jen

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Parent Teacher Conferences


Parent teacher conferences will be held Tuesday May 22 through Thursday May 24.  Please sign up for a slot at this link

We hope to see you all there.

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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Frogs for adoption

Hello Parents,

Ever thought about having a slimy insect eater as a pet?  We have THE cutest leopard frogs up for adoption.  They are really quite easy to care for you just need to feed them insects.  They need an aquarium with some land and some water.  You will need to clean their tank periodically.  In the summer the kids can catch insects to feed to the frog and in the winter you can buy crickets and mill worms from the pet store. We have 4 frogs, 2 froglets, and about 6 tadpoles.  Their life span is 2 to 4 years so. . .

Think about it!

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The week of May 14t


This week is spirit week at school.  Early childhood will follow a slightly different schedule than the rest of the school.  Our schedule will be as follows;

– Monday: Crazy sock day

– Tuesday: Crazy hat or hair day

– Wednesday: Pajama day

– Thursday: Wear your tie dye shirt for field day.  We will be sending the shirts home with your child on Wednesday for them to wear on Thursday. Their shirts are dyed to match the group they will be in for field day.  This is so as adults we can quickly see where everyone should be.  PLEASE HAVE THEM WEAR THEIR SHIRTS. I have not washed them so for their first wash please wash them separately.

– Friday: Dress down for our filed trip to the Ogden Nature center.  Please dress for the weather, there is a chance of rain.

We will not be in the classroom Thursday or Friday due to our outings.  Our schedule for those days will be as follows.  Morning class: drop off at 9 pick up at 11:30.  Afternoon class: drop off at 12:00 and pick up at 2:30.  Thursday we will be at Oak Lawn Park.  The address is 1200 E 2500 N, North Ogden, UT.  This is the same park where we had our first field trip back in October.  Friday we will be at the Ogden Nature center.  The address is 966 W 12th St, Ogden, UT.

Just as a reminder our Bridging ceremony (graduation) will be Monday May 21st.  There will not be class on this day. The ceremony will be from 11 am to 12:30 and will include a family picnic with us.  Bring your own sack lunch, we will provide a dessert. We hope to see everyone there.

Ms. Martha and I wanted to say thank you for all of the amazing gifts and thoughts of kindness we received last week!  We were overwhelmed and feel very blessed and grateful to be a small part in your child’s life.  Thank you!!!

Have a great week!

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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The week of May 7th


This week our kindergarten students will be shadowing in their prospective lower elementary classes.  The shadowing will last about an hour.

We will be talking about the parts of insects this week, focsing on bees as well as finish off our study of simple machines.  Today we will be candeling the chicken eggs to see the chicks growing inside.  We will be tie dying our t-shirts this week so if you have not sent one please do.  Our element of art this monyth is space.  Last week we talked about positive and negative space. This week we will continue that topic by doing shadow art.

We will also begin the KEEP assessment this week.

Last week we sent home a permission slip for our field day at Oak Lawn.  We need the forms singed and returned by Friday the 11th.  Today we are sending home the info for the Nature center field trip.  If these do not make it home I have attached a copies here field day permission slip Field day Nature center

Have a great week.

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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Important Dates


We wanted to give you some more info on some important upcoming events.

Thursday May 17th Field Day

Field day will be off campus this year.  We will be going to Oak Lawn park.  Morning class will be there from 9 am to 11:30 am and the afternoon class will be there from 12 pm to 2:30 pm.  In preperation for our field day we will be tie dying T-shirts please send your child with a white t-shirt to dye by Monday May 7th.  This will be the shirt they wear on field day.

Friday May 18th Ogden Nature Center

Parents will be dropping off and picking up from the nature center. Morning class is from 9 am to 11:30 am and the afternoon class is from 12 pm to 2:30 pm.  We would love to have parent volunteers for this field trip.  The nature center does not allow siblings to attend.  Please email me if you would like to chaperone.  The first 2 chaperones to email me will have their cost covered everyone else will have to pay a $3 enterance fee.

Monday May 21st Bridging Ceremony

The ceremony will be from  11 am to 12:30 pm.  There will not be class this day.  We would love to invite family to attend.  The program will be held in the gym and will go from 11 am to 11:45 am and then we will have a picnic outside from 11:45 am  to 12:30 pm.  Please bring a sack lunch for you and your child and we will provide a dessert. Our preschool students are welcome to attend.



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The week of April 30th


I cannot believe that there are only 4 weeks left of school.  This week we will introduce insects and focus on bees.  We will talk about incline planes and look at the mountains of Europe.  In art we will look at positive and negative space.  The last day I will send books home with kids is Friday  May 11th.

We will be tie dyeing t-shirts for our up coming field day.  Please send your child with a white t-shirt to dye by Monday May 7th.  If you are not able to get a shirt please let me  know.

Have a great week.

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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The week of April 23


For our last week of April we will be wrapping up our study of birds by having our kindergarten students present their bird reports to the class as well as looking at whether birds in our area prefer seeds or worms.  I cant wait to find out the results.

We will be putting the finishing touches on our class play Caps for Sale. Just a reminder the performance will be Friday April 27th in the gym.  The morning class will perform at 10:30 am and the afternoon class will be at 2:00 pm.

We will also talk about some of the different types of flowers that there are, People of the European wetlands,  as well as the simple machine wheel and axle.

I cannot believe that the year is coming to a close.  May can be a crazy month so I wanted to give you all a heads up on some important dates.

  • DIBLES testing this week (kindergarten students only)
  • KEEP assessment will be done May 10-16 (kindergarten students only)
  • May 17th Early Childhood Field day .  We will be going to Oak Lawn park for our field day
  • May 18th Field Trip to the Ogden Nature Center
  • May 21 Bridging ceremony (graduation).  There will be no class this day only the graduation.  More details will be coming soon.
  • May 22- 24 Early release for Parent Teacher Conferences
  • May 25 early release for the last day of school

Thanks to the many parents who have donated supplies!! Your support is invaluable!

Have a great week!

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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Kindergarten home project


Today we sent home a home project packet with all of our kindergarten students.  Please check their backpacks.  If it has gone missing here is a digital copy.

bird home project

We appreciate your support with this.

Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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