Category Archives: Uncategorized

The week of October 30

Parents, It was so much fun to see so many of you at the fall festival! This week we will write our mission statement using several of the books that we have read this past month.  Once we get it … Continue reading

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The week of October 23

I apologize for the late post, I have been under the weather.  Here are some of the things that we have done this week. This week we  read “Roberto The Insect Architect” by Nina Laden.  This is the story of … Continue reading

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Fall Festival

fall festival is just around the corner!  Join us for our Annual Fall Festival Friday, October 27th from 4-7pm. Watch for volunteer sign ups after the upcoming Parent Teacher Conferences. This is another great way to get those hours in … Continue reading

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field trip

Hello fellow parents! I’m Tyden Rappleye’s mom Crystal. I’ll be the room mom this year. We are looking forward to our field trip to Oaklawn park this Friday the 13th. You can drop children off at the park at 9 … Continue reading

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The week of October 9th

Parents, This is our last week of our peace lessons. It has been great to hear the kids begin to use some of the things we have been talking about.  This week we will talk about the differences that people … Continue reading

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Parent Teacher Conferences

Parents. Here is the link for the upcoming parent teacher conferences.  This is for parents and teachers only. Please take a minute to sign up. Ms. Jen & Ms. Martha

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The week of October 2nd

Parents, This week we will continue our peace lessons focusing on empathy.  We will begin our study of leaves, land forms and solid/liquid/gas.  We will also look at the different continents on our planet. In class this month we will be … Continue reading

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The week of September 25

Parents, I apologize for not posting last week.  Here is a recap of what we did.  We went a solar system walk.  We visited each of the planets and talked about what is unique to them.  On Friday we made … Continue reading

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The week of September 11th

Parents, We will continue our peace lessons this week, focusing on the making sure we have calm bodies and recognizing when we need to “reset”. This week we will continue our study of the solar system by looking at the … Continue reading

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The week of September 4th

Parents, Our first week of school was amazing!  I have never had such a smooth first week.  Thank you for having your children at school on time and ready for their day.  Ms. Martha and I are looking forward to … Continue reading

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