Author Archives: Jennifer Hall

The week of January 1st

Parents, I hope you all had a wonderful break!  I am excited to get back to school.  This is my favorite month of the year.  Typically our kindergarten students come back from winter break ready to work, learn and discover. … Continue reading

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The week of December 18th

Parents, I cannot believe that we only have 4 days until Winter break.  You can always tell when it is this time of year, everyone has a little bit more ecitement.  On Friday we built and launched our air rockets.  … Continue reading

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The week of December 11

Parents, We have lots of new holiday works on the shelves. Some of the works tell the stories of different religious holidays that are being celebrated at this time of year. We have a nativity set (Christmas) a menorah and … Continue reading

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Baby food jars

Parents, We are hoping to do a craft in December that would require each child to have a glass baby food jar.  If you happen to have any at your home will you please send them?  Thanks so much. Ms. … Continue reading

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The week of November 27th

Parents, I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving break.  It was great to see so many of you for our feast.  Thank you to all those who helped with their time and donations!  We could not do any … Continue reading

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The Week of November 13th

Parents, I cannot believe it is the week before Thanksgiving.  Time is going too fast. This week we will be reading another North American folktale The Rough Face Girl  by  Rafe Martin.  It is an Algonquin Indian version of the Cinderella … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving Feast

Parents, Here is the information about our Thanksgiving feast: On Friday November 17th we will be having our class Gratitude Feast.  We will be joining with Ms. Joy’s class for this celebration.  The children will spend the first half of … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving Feast

Parents, If you would like to help bring items for our feast here are the links to sign up A.M.   P.M.

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The week of November 6th

Parents, We will begin the week by learning about the third habit of happy kids “Put first things first”.   It can be compared to an object lesson, where you put items into a container.  If you put all the … Continue reading

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our classroom mission statements

Parents, We wrote our class mission statements.  I just wanted to pass them onto you.   Morning class: – We will be nice and help others. – We will always work hard. – We can do important things everyday.   … Continue reading

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