Author Archives: Jennifer Hall

Literacy Night

Parents, Here is the information for the schools literacy night. 2018 Literacy Flyer (1)

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A message from MAPA

MAPA Board  is currently looking for a VP for the remainder of the year who will then become the president for the 2108-2019 school year. Please contact if you or you know someone who would be interested. Don’t know what MAPA … Continue reading

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Track it forward

Parents, I know several of you have had difficulty with registering for the new track it forward.  I spoke with Heidi Bradley the MAPA president about this issue.  The confirmation that needs to happen takes about 24 hours to complete.  … Continue reading

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The week of February 12

Parents, This week is parent teacher conferences.  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are early out.  This means the morning class will be from 8:30 am  to 10:30 am and the afternoon class will be from 11 am to 1 pm.  If … Continue reading

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The week of February 5th

Parents, This Wednesday is the 100th day of school!! I cannot believe its already here.  We will have several activities that center around the idea of 100.  One of the activities we have for the kids is to come and … Continue reading

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Parent Teacher Confernces

Parents, I have made the Parent teacher conference sign up sheet.  The school is asking us to use a new website than we have in the past.  Here is the link Once you are there you will look for the … Continue reading

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The week of January 29th

Parents, I cannot believe it is the last week of January.  Time is going way too fast.  This week we will be doing a close read on the book Under the Ocean by Fiona Patchett.  We will begin by reading the … Continue reading

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The week of January 22

Parents, This week we will continue talking about win win situations.  We will discuss the parts of a fish as well as talk about what other animals live in the ocean.  The students will be making ocean creatures to add … Continue reading

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The week of January 8th

Parents, This week we will be talking about Steven Covey’s 4th Habit of Happy Kids which is “Think Win-Win”.  In this habit we will be moving from the private victory to the public victory.  Our first 3 habits were all … Continue reading

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Parents, One of our new practical life works is juicing an orange to make orange juice.  We could a few donations of whole oranges.  Thank you in advance for your support. Ms. Jen

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