The week of September 11th


We will continue our peace lessons this week, focusing on the making sure we have calm bodies and recognizing when we need to “reset”.

This week we will continue our study of the solar system by looking at the sun and stars.  We will talk about the difference between plants and animals and we will look at some nocturnal animals.

As the children become more comfortable in their classroom and with their peers we will begin asking them to do more challenging work.  Many of the manipulatives that we began the year with will be replaced with materials that are related to the curriculum we are studying.  We refer to what the child does in the classroom as work and not play (even though many times it may look like play to adults).  Maria Montessori explained why the work of a child is so important “A child’s desire to work represents a vital instinct since he cannot organize his personality without working: a man builds himself through working. There can be no substitute for work. . . a man builds himself by carrying out manual labor in which he uses his hands as the instruments of his personality and as expressions of his intellect and will, helping him to dominate his environment . . . work becomes fascinating and irresistible and raises a man above his diverted self . . . enabling him to express his own individuality” The secret of childhood p. 186.  As teachers we look forward to seeing the amazing individuals that these children become because of the work they have done.

Have a great week.

Ms. Jen and Ms. Martha

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