The week of Nov 18


I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped donate food for our feast, who helped set up and take down the feast and who attended our feast!!!  We simply could not do any of this without your help. I really am grateful for all of your support!

This week we will be reading one more book to help us begin with the end in mind.  The book is Ruby’s Wish by Shirin Yim Bridges.  We will be writing our class mission statements which we will say each morning after the pledge of allegiance.  We will talk about the plants and animals of the deserts of North America.  We will talk about the parts of reptiles, focusing on the Gila monster as well as finish up our study of roots by making root soup (potato soup).  We will also talk about shades in art.  A shade is any color that has black added to it.  We will look at some of the work of Ansel Adams.

Next week there is no school for Thanksgiving break.  We will see everyone back on December 2nd.

Here is a message from MAPA:

Calling all Mma Families!!
We have 2 more Monday where pizza pie is donating 10% of their days profit to our school!!!  This is a win win, promoting local business and getting some extra money for our school!!
Be sure to mention Mma at the register 🙂
Thanks again for all your hard work to make our school community the very best for our kids!!

Maria Montessori said “Do not tell them how to do it.  Show them how to do it and do not say a word.  If you tell them they will watch your lips move.  If you show them they will want to do it themselves”.  When you want to teach your child something new try teaching it the way Maria Montessori would have done.

Have a great week!

Ms. Jen & Ms. Jess

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