The week of January 14


This week we will talk more about habit 4 – think win win, we will introduce the twilight zone of the ocean as well as talk about the parts of a fish.  In art we will talk about the artist Pablo Picasso and focus on the line drawings he did.

One aspect that many adults notice when they enter a Montessori classroom is the order that exists.  This order is present not only in the layout of the materials on the shelves but also in the way the presentations and lessons are given.  There is an underlying reason for this.  Maria Montessori said “To help the development of the intelligence is to help put the images of the consciousness in order”.  One job of a Montessori teacher is to provide the child with an ordered environment so they are free to order their intelligence. As adults we take for granted that we already have so much information ordered in our minds.  It can easier for us to take in new information when we have some context for it.  Our children are learning new things everyday and creating how this information will be ordered in their mind.  We aid them when the environment around them is ordered.  This does not mean that our homes are perfectly clean with nothing left out.  Order to a child can mean that they know their daily routine  or that they know what consequences to expect.  It can mean knowing where to find their clothes and toys or what responsibilities they have.

Here is the link to volunteer

Have a great week!

Ms. Jen, Ms. Jess & Ms. Kimber

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