Daily Archives: April 24, 2018

Summer German Camp

Guten Abend Students and Parents!

Our students have been invited to participate in a week long language immersion summer camp hosted by the Weber School District German Teachers. This experience will be held the week of July 9-13. This camp costs $250 for your student to attend. This camp is open to students at all levels in  all grade levels (Jr. High- High School). If your student is interested in participating, please let me know as soon as possible and I can discuss payment with you. More detailed information can be found at: http://blog.wsd.net/jrjackson/german-summer-camp-2014-5/

Please note again the registration date for this camp is coming up quickly (I just recently received the information about this camp), so if your student is interested in this awesome immersion opportunity, please let me know as soon as possible.