Daily Archives: February 26, 2018

Unit 6 Assessment

Moin students and parents!

The students have finished learning material for Unit 6. This means the unit assessment will be coming up this week on Thursday. The assessment will cover vocabulary on:

  • Haustiere (pets)
  • Tiere auf dem Bauernhof (Farm animals)
  • Persönlichkeit (personality traits)

Last week I handed out a study sheet so the students know exactly what they will be tested on. I have also talked to students about a way they can study using Quizlet flashcard sets online. I would highly recommend they do so, and they can access these card decks on this blog under the Quizlet tab.

The review will be held on Tuesday, so it is important for the students to be there, especially if they have missed any days during Unit 6.

Vielen Dank! Bis Dienstag!