Ms. Amy's Montessorians

It's okay to not know, but it's not okay to not try.

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’

Picture Day – Monday October 22nd

 Picture day is on Monday October 22nd.  Your child should have brought home a form last week.  Please send the form and payment with your child to school on Monday if you would like to make an order.

Original Works


Home Energy Survey

Yesterday the fifth graders attended an assembly presented by the National Energy Foundation and Rocky Mountain Power.  They were given a Home Energy Survey to complete and return to school.  Please help us thank our presenters by returning this survey no later than Friday, October 10, 2018.

Upon returning this survey, fifth grader will receive a nightlight (which they are all super excited about).  If all 5th level students return this survey, our class will receive a $50 gift card to purchase materials for our class.

The nightlights are on back order.  They will send them to us as soon as they come in.

How to contact Ms. Amy

Any questions or concerns please contact me at  As a reminder, please don’t reply to the blog as it is connected to an email address that rarely gets checked.  Thanks!


We are in need of band-aids in our classroom.  We need quality band-aids that will actually stay on the childrens skin.  Thank you for always supporting our classroom.

Ms. Amy

Birth of the Universe

This week we learned about the first Montessori Great Lesson: The Birth of the Universe.  We read stories from different cultures around the world and how they believed the Universe was created.  We read stories from Melanasia, the Islands of New Guinea, Russia, Samoa, the Native Americans, China, and Greek Mythology.  Today we had a special treat, some of the students came prepared to share how they believed the Universe was created.  It’s been a fun week full of learning.

Original Works

Your children started their Original Works project today.  Ms. Rachel will be picking to our class to pick up the artwork for this awesome fundraiser on Oct. 3rd.  Your child’s art needs to be finished by this date.  This year parents will be able to order their children’s artwork online, so children can sumbit more than one picture.  YAY!

If your child wants to create art for this fundraiser at home please remember the following guidelines:

  • Must be 8.5 x 11″
  • Must be original.  No copyrighted images or anything close to it will be accepted.
  • Student name and teacher name must be on the back of art
  • On front, names/dates/important images should be 1″ from the edges
  • Create a colorful border
  • Fill the whole sheet with color
  • Be bright and bold.  Markers and paint are best.
  • Use the paper they provide or cardstock for durability
  • No glitter, 3-D art, or anything that smudges

Thank you, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Ms. Amy

School Supply List

Class Supply list 2018
