Ms. Amy's Montessorians

It's okay to not know, but it's not okay to not try.

Archive for November 2nd, 2018

Events for next week!

Next week is Red Ribbon Week

Monday – Red Ribbons & Early Out, please make arrangements for your children to be picked up at 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday – UE Assembly – Rob Eastman & pizza money due

Wednesday – Decorate classroom door for Red Ribbon Week

Thursday – Classroom Gratitude Feast – All are invited, please come join ua at 11:30 a.m. for a wonderful meal.  We are very grateful to all of you for the many things you do for our classroom.  I am also very grateful to you for sharing your children with me, I love each and every one of them.

Classroom doors will be judged Thursday.

Red Ribbon Door Decorating – HELP NEEDED

Hello Families,

We will be decorating our classroom door next week for Red Ribbon week.  I was wondering if there were any crafty parents who would like to help the students come up with a good idea and fascilitate the students creating a wonderful personalized door.  Please contact me at: if you are interested.

Thank you,

Ms. Amy

Classroom Gratitude Feast

Please join us Thursday at 11:30 am for our classroom gratitude feast. 

This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy each others company and a great meal.  I would like to extend a huge thank you to Heidi Bradley for arranging this feast for our classroom.  The students look forward to this event every year.  Last year all but two students had family attend, it really means a lot to them to have a loved family member come to this event.  Please look at your schedules and try to come join us.

Your children should have brought home an invitation to our gratitude feast, please look in their backpacks.