Original Works

Original Works order forms will be coming home with your children Monday, October 8.  If your child has not yet completed a piece of artwork, they will still have an opportunity to do so at home.  Please review the following FAQs regarding the Original Works process.

Original Works Q & A:

What is Original Works?

  • Turn your child’s art into keepsakes (mugs, tote bags, pot holders, pillowcases, keychains, night lights, etc.). This fundraiser benefits your child’s classroom directly.

What if my child didn’t do or complete their art?

  • Complete it now! Art needs to be on plain 8.5”x11” paper (cardstock is best for durability). No 3-D art (glitter, pipe cleaners, etc.) and no copyrighted art. Must be original! Whatever you turn in with your payment will be considered complete.

What if my child made more than one piece of art?

  • You need one order form per piece of art. The order form needs to be filled out and taped to the back of your child’s art.

What if I have a child who wants to participate and isn’t at MMA?

  • Anyone can submit art. All you need is an order form and to designate which teacher you want to benefit!

How do I pay?

  • Write a check made to Original Works and attach it to the order form or write your credit card number on order form.

When are orders due?

  • Art, order forms, and payment must be returned to the front office by October 17th.

What needs to be on the art?

  • Your child’s name, teacher’s name, and a T designating the top of art must be written on the back of each piece of art.

When will keepsakes arrive?

  • Friday, November 30th!


Email rachael.bush@gmail.com

A Message From MAPA

This is a message from Angela, our MAPA president:
Hi Parents,

Thank you so much to everyone who has already signed up to help at Fall Festival! October is a pretty busy month as far as MAPA and volunteering go so we need help from so many. If you haven’t had a chance to sign up yet there is still time. We need several more volunteers to keep all of the activities open. This year MAPA will be implementing the “no volunteer, no activity” moto again. This means that any time we have a volunteer need and no one has signed up that activity will be closed for the time slot.

Not only do we have Fall Festival this month we also have Parent Teacher Conference dinners and Book Fair October 15-17th.

Please, please follow the link and sign up where you are able. Please note there are multiple signups for all events on the calendar. If one is full please click on the next signup sheet. If you have any questions you can email MAPA at mapa@mariamontessoriacademy.org.


Angela Voraotsady

Redwoods Parent Meeting Time Correction

We wanted to apologize for the incorrect time in the weekly newsletter.

The Redwoods Parent Meeting will be held next Monday, October 8th from 5:30pm-6:30pm, not at 5:50pm as previously listed.



This entry was posted on October 4, 2018, in Fieldtrip.

Fall Festival Reminder

Please see this important message from our room mom.

Just a reminder Fall Festival is less than two weeks away!  We are still looking for donations and volunteers!  Below is the original email that was sent out with all the information.
Our booth this year is crazy easy!  We are offering temporary hair color!  This involves the spray in hair color and stencils for a fun rockin’ new style at the festival!
If you would like to volunteer to help run the booth, I promise you it will be easy.  Let me know if you would like to do a thirty minute shift or a full hour.  We absolutely want you to come and have fun with your families so I am not asking anyone to come run the booth all night, unless you feel you absolutely want to.
As for donations we are asking for the spray in hair color cans–as many as we can lay hands on.  Walmart has them right now in their Halloween section, and I think Target has some at their store as well (Zurchers also carries a variety of spray hair color).  Donations can be turned into Ms. Amity’s room until Friday October 12th at 2pm.
Thanks everyone!
This entry was posted on October 1, 2018, in Volunteer.

Week 7 – Home Project Reminder – 4th grade AWHC Field Trip

Good afternoon!  I hope you all are enjoying the beautiful fall weekend!

A reminder that our first Home Project is due Wednesday, October 3.   Guidelines for the assignment can be found at this blog post.

Our 4th grade students will be attending a grade level field trip this Thursday, October 4.  Please be sure you review the guidelines on the cover letter that accompanied the permission slip.  Weather this time of year can be variable so please check the conditions prior to sending your child to school on Thursday. Students will be taking a bus to and from the field trip and must be on time to school.  Because the bus is on a very strict schedule, we cannot wait for tardy children.