International Festival and Quick Reminders

Just a quick reminder that the International Festival is on Wednesday, December 16 from 9am-11am.  Your children should bring their projects in tomorrow to give them an opportunity to practice their presentation with their peers before presenting to the rest of the school.

A quick reminder: Though I know Star Wars Fever is abundant, please remember no characters or logos on your children’s clothing.  This policy minimizes distractions for all of our students.

Science Fair, International Festival and Utah Compose

As we enter the last two weeks of the year before winter break, please note the following important dates:

Utah Compose Rough Draft – December 6

International Festival – December 16(Report due December 15)

Science Fair – Materials and Procedures – December 18

Pancake Breakfast – December 18

In this final push, when your students are looking forward to Winter Break, it is important to stay focused and on task.  Please check in with your students to make sure they complete homework and other in class tasks on time.   Thank you for your support.

Holiday Music Concert

Don’t forget Our Holiday Concert! We are excited to celebrate the holidays with music this year. The children are so excited to perform for you December 10th.

You, your family and friends are invited! If the beginning letter of your child’s LAST NAME is between the letters A-K, you will perform at 6 o’clock. If it’s between the letters L-Z, you will perform at 7 o’clock. If you have children with different last names that conflict with each other’s time, you choose which performance you go to. Please remember this is a “best dress” event.

MMA Review

The MMA Review, our school’s first literary magazine, is available for purchase! This is a magazine made entirely of original writing and artwork from MMA students. Students from all grade levels are represented in our literary magazine. It can be purchased in the main office for only $3.00. On sale now!!


This entry was posted on December 6, 2015, in General.

December is Here!

No doubt, the older I get the faster time flies.  I cannot believe it is already December and there is snow on the ground.

Your kids came back from Thanksgiving Break ready to work and for that, I am thankful.  We began new units in our afternoon cultural studies and the children seem to be completely immersed in their small group and independent studies.  Level 4 are back in Utah for more history, Level 5 took a trip to Ancient Egypt and Level 6 students are researching the Middle Ages.  You can find a copy of the study guide for each level under the *PDF tab at the top of the blog.  Each grade level has a 3 week unit plan that will take us all the way up to Winter break.  Although in some cases it looks like a lot of work, there is plenty of time during class for this work to be completed if your child is on task.

Speaking of Winter break, our annual pancake breakfast is scheduled for the last day of school before the break.  Each year we have a class breakfast, with parents invited to join us for pancakes, fruit and juice.  In order to make this a success, we need parent volunteers to cook as well as donations of food items and paper goods.  Our breakfast is scheduled from 9-10:30, Friday, December 18.  The students will set up the tables and chairs at 8:30.   With breakfast beginning around 9:30 (once pancakes have begun coming off the griddle).  If can volunteer time, goods or both, please sign up at this link.

*Updated Forms:

If your student is in need of additional copies of Science Fair forms or the guidelines for the International Festival (PDF), you can find those forms on the tabs at the top of the blog.