
State Capitol Field Trip – Thursday, February 1

Our class is going to the State Capitol Thursday, February 1.   An information sheet was sent home detailing the plans for our trip, but several of you still had questions.  It is my hope that this post will clarify any remaining questions that you may have.

Children should dress in weather appropriate clothing and bring a lunch that does not require heating.  All electronics (iPhones, iPods, iPads) should be left at home.  If your child has a stand alone camera, they are welcome to bring it along to take pictures.  Any device that does not meet the expectations will be taken from the student and will be available for pick up in the office, by a parent, at the end of the school day.

Please be on time!  We will be reviewing field trip and bus etiquette prior to our departure from school.  Students who are tardy will miss important details regarding our trip.

  • 9:00 – Leave MMA via school bus and travel to SLC
  • 10:00 – Daughters of the Pioneers Museum
  • 11:00 – Tour of Utah State Capitol – During this time, we may have the opportunity to see the legislative process in action.
  • 12:00 – Lunch
  • 12:30 – Walk back to the museum to finish our exploration
  • 1:15 – Bus leaves SLC and returns to MMA

Please plan on picking up your children from school at the regularly scheduled end of day.

We have had numerous children out with various illnesses.  If you know your child will not be able to attend, for any reason, it is imperative that you notify me prior to the start of school on Thursday.  We will not be able to wait for tardy students as we are on a very tight schedule.

If you have any further questions, please let me know.

Happy New Year!

As we welcome 2018, setting new resolutions and goals, it is important that we don’t forget how much we have already accomplished so far this school year.  Reflecting on our successes (and failures) is one way we grow stronger as a classroom, and school, community.

This month our classroom focus is working together in partners and groups.  Some students are naturals at guiding a group, and staying on task, yet others need more guidance and practice in order to master this important skill.  Students will discuss what group work should “look like” and “sound like”, each person’s role within the group, and how to hold each other accountable.

As a teacher, it is my job to hold your child accountable to the work expectations of the classroom.  For students, this sometimes means doing things they might not want, but need to do in order to progress and be ready for the next lesson.   As a parent, it is your job to hold your child accountable to the same expectations at home.   If you have any questions about our expectations, please review the Classroom Management Plan – 2017-2018 .

The start of 2018 is like the start of a new school year.  It is important that your students are present and on time every single day.  Entering the classroom as few as 5 minutes late means important instruction has already been missed.  With nearly 30 students enrolled in our class, there is no time to spare repeating instruction for students who are consistently late.  Students should be in class, ready to work at 8:30.  Please make sure your child arrives with plenty of time to visit lockers and change shoes before the bell rings.

Let’s work together in 2018 and make the rest of the school year amazing!


Please watch for more information regarding these upcoming events:

January 30 – Chili Cook-Off

February 1 – State Capitol and Pioneer Museum Field Trip

  • 3 Parent Volunteers Needed (no siblings)

February 8 – Astro-Camp Field Trip (date change, more info coming)

  • Parent Drivers to location and 3 parents needed to stay (no siblings)

March 14 – JA Biztown (5th grade only)

  • Parent drivers and volunteers needed





5th Grade – Home Energy Survey

Today your child attended an assembly presented by the National Energy Foundation and Rocky Mountain Power.  They were given a Home Energy Survey to complete and return to school.  Please help us thank our presenters by returning this survey no later than Friday, October 6, 2017.

Upon returning this survey, your child will receive a nightlight (which they are all super excited about).  If all 5th level students return this survey, our class will receive a $50 gift card to purchase materials for our class.


Week 7 – In School “Field Trips” and 4th Level AWHC Trip

I can’t believe we are beginning the seventh week of school!

This week we have two in school “field trips” related to 4th and 5th grade science concepts.

  • Wednesday, Rocky Mountain Power will be talking to our 5th level students about conservation and electricity.  To reward them for completing a home energy survey, each 5th level student will receive a night light.   In addition to the night light, our classroom will receive a $50 gift card if all students return their survey.  Please watch for this to come home Wednesday, and return it by Friday so that we will be eligible for the $50!!
  • Thursday, Meteorologist – Dan Guthrie will be presenting to our 4th level students.  Dan has been at KSL since 2013.  He visits nearly 100 elementary schools each year.  We are so excited to have him coming to MMA.

Next week, October 12, our 4th level students will be travel to the American West Heritage Center in Wellsville, Utah.  There they will learn about Utah Native American Heritage, Mountain men and Utah Pioneers.  If you haven’t already signed the permission slip, please do so and return no later than Wednesday, October 4.

Finally, Parent Teacher Conference is coming up October 16-18.  Watch for the We Join In link to sign up for a conference time.

School Supplies and Preparation 2017-2018

It’s every kid’s favorite time of year…School Supply Shopping! If your child’s supplies are in good shape from last year (no broken binders or pencil pouches please), I encourage you to reuse them.  Please do not label each item with your child’s name.  See the school supply preparation instructions for details (below the supply list).

In addition to your child’s individual school supplies, I am requesting that each grade level provide the item listed below. As we run out of these consumable items, I will send out another request.**

If you need assistance supplying your child’s personal school supplies, please let me know prior to the start of school.

  • White 2” 3-ring Binder (Working Binder – can use last year’s binder if it is in good shape)
  • White 1” 3-ring Binder (Portfolio – can use last year’s binder if it is in good shape)
  • 25 page protectors (to be used for student portfolio – can use last year’s)
  • 1 pkg wide ruled notebook paper (placed in the working binder)
  • 2 pkg dividers (5 subject with pockets – can use last year’s)
  • 3 wide-ruled composition notebooks (black)
  • 1 pkg colored pencils
  • 1 highlighter (any color)
  • Pencil Pouch – zippered pouch to keep items from spilling if dropped
  • Slippers – Please see the dress code guidelines for appropriate slippers
  • Water Bottle – Reusable

**4th Grade – 1 roll paper towels

**5th Grade – 2 boxes Kleenex

**6th Grade – 2 pkgs 3×5 ruled index cards (white)

Optional but helpful

  • Comfortable pair of scissors – No safety scissors please, medium or adult scissors are best.
  • Handheld pencil sharpener
  • 1 flash drive
  • Low-profile clip board

School Supply Preparation

Prior to the first day of school, your child will need to prepare his or her school supplies. This is your child’s first homework assignment. Please assist your child in following the directions below.

The only items that should be labeled with your child’s name are listed below, everything else will go into the classroom supply cupboard for later use.

Working Binder

  • Create a spine label with first and last name (we will make covers for the binders during the first week of school)
  • Place 5 dividers in working binder
  • Label a tab for Language, Writing, Math, Cultural, Science
  • Divide package of lined paper evenly between all sections


  • Create spine label with first and last name (we will create a cover as part of an in class activity)
  • Place 5 dividers into portfolio
  • Label a tab for Math, ELA, Cultural, Executive Functions, Report Card Reflections
  • Place 5 sheet protectors behind each divider

Pencil Pouch (with zipper)

  • Label with first and last name
  • Colored Pencils
  • Pencil Sharpener*
  • Flash Drive*
  • Highlighter
  • Scissors*



Thank you for assisting your child in being prepared for the first day of school. Having these items ready to go will help our class get off to a great start!