
Thank You!

I wanted to thank all of they parents who were able to make it to parent student teacher conference (whew, a mouthful).  It was so nice meeting some of you for the first time and seeing those of you again whom I’ve met with in the past.

I also wanted to thank everyone for the thoughtful Valentine gifts.  Ms. Kari and I are always appreciative of the kindness.

Important reminder: Science fair is next week.  4/5 grade science fair is on Wednesday, February 18 and middle school (6-8 grade) science fair is on Thursday, February 19.  If students bring in their posters on Tuesday, they will have time to rehearse with their friends and we can also check to make sure they have everything they need on the board.

We will have weekly IXL assignments and Utah Compose assignments beginning next week.

Thanks again for all you do to support your child’s education.

Have a wonderful long weekend.


Parent Teacher Conference, Book Fair and a Valentine’s Day Celebration

As a reminder, parent teacher conference is next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  As such, there is early release on all three of these days.  Please make arrangements to have your student picked up promptly at 1:00 pm.  There is no school on Friday, February 13 or Monday February 16.

If you haven’t already, please sign up for a conference time.  The link to sign up is on the sidebar of the blog.

As usual, MAPA is hosting book fair in the library during conferences and for each purchase you make a portion of the proceeds go to support our parent organization.  MAPA uses these monies to fund field trips, technology advances and various other activities and improvements for our school.

Because Valentine’s Day is on Saturday this year and we have no school on Friday, we will be having a small holiday celebration on Thursday, February 13.  If your child is planning on bringing Valentine’s, they must bring them for everyone, not a select few.  As per school policy, treats must remain sealed until your children bring them home.  A class list will come home with them on Friday.


February Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up

Please sign up for a conference time February 10-12.  These are student led conferences.  Your students are working on new goals for the remainder of the year.   Come see what they have accomplished and what they are working toward.


Update Week of January 26

January and February are very busy months at MMA, as such, I wanted to give some reminders as to upcoming deadlines and due dates.

January 28th: Level 6 – David Holladay Lecture (During class)

January 29th: JA Biztown (Level 5 and some Level 6)

January 30th: Biography Book Report (Timeline) – All Grade Levels

February 2: SAGE Writing Assessment – All Grade Levels

February 18th: Elementary Science Fair (Level 4 and 5)

February 19th: Middle School Science Fair (Level 6-8)

In order to prepare for the SAGE writing test, we have been working on our essays for several weeks.  Your students have another essay rough draft due tomorrow evening.  In order to be prepared for the in class peer edit and to take advantage of the time we have left, please ensure your child completes this assignment on time.  If you are experiencing any trouble with Utah Compose, have your student first write their essay using Word or Pages, saving a copy to your computer.  At that point, your student can copy and paste their essay into Utah Compose and then submit it.  If by chance the website errors, your child will still have a digital copy and can resubmit on Utah Compose without losing all their work.  Most children did not experience any trouble, but a handful had repeated problems and this is the only work around I could think of so that they could still have the benefit of the score report.

In addition to Utah Compose, level 4 and 6 students have had math homework recently. This will continue on a relatively regular basis throughout the remainder of the school year.  Please check in with your students each night regarding homework assignments they may have.  I know that everyone is busy with after school activities, but it is imperative that your children are completing the required practice in order to continue progressing.


Room 24 Updates

Whew!  This week flew by in a flash.  I know time is moving quickly when the children comment that they can’t believe it is already mid-January.

First and foremost, students should be using their peer edit papers to revise and refine their essays on Utah Compose.  I cannot stress how important this practice at home is.  I hope we have worked out all of the log in bugs by now.  If you are experiencing any problems with the site, please let me know.  Most students have been able to login, complete their essays and submit them without problem.  The final draft of the essay, having made revisions based on peer edits and my online input, is due Tuesday, January 20th by 8pm.  We will have a brand new prompt available Wednesday, January 21st.  This will give your children 2 more weeks of practice before the writing assessment February 2.

4th grade students have begun a metric conversion unit.  Some of your children are so excited about the ease of the metric system that they are prepared to write letters to the government saying we should switch from our method of standard measurement.  I’m behind them 100%!

5th grade students are working independently on math practice that is challenging to them.  The majority of the work I am seeing is division using the standard algorithm. Please ask your children what they find challenging and work on it with them.  Although we don’t have specific IXL or SAGE math assignments coming home, you can still log in to IXL with your child and see what they need help with.   Ask them what they find challenging in class and do a practice work with them!  It will benefit them greatly if you are working with them at home on concepts they find challenging in school.

6th level students began a unit on ratios and proportions.  So far all students who have been present for the lessons are making great progress.  Each day that we have a lesson, your children will bring home a printed homework assignment.  In most cases, there will be fewer than 5 problems as homework.  The culminating activity for our unit is going to be SPECTACULAR!!  I’m so excited and I hope your children will be excited too!

Our botany units have the students excited about fruit, nuts and seeds, photosynthesis, and monocots and dicots.  Please ask your children about these important plants and plant processes.  One of the most exciting things about MMA is the extensive botany exposure. Without plants, there would be no life on earth!

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, we have been discussing the timeline of the civil rights movement.  I am so thrilled to hear your children’s input and feedback.  There truly is hope for humanity in our children.  The deep discussions we had this week would make you, as parents, proud of your children.  They are kind, caring, thoughtful and extremely sympathetic to the plight of those who have been treated unfairly in our nations history.   I challenge you all to take some time on Monday, January 19th, to study the life of MLK and the civil rights movement.

Please watch the blog for sign ups for February Parent Teacher Conference.  These conferences will be student led.  This is an opportunity for your children to share with you what they have learned and what accomplishments they are proud of.  It seems like a long time since our last meeting in October and at the same time it has passed in a flash!  Please watch the blog for sign ups for Parent Teacher Conference.  I will have a WeJoinIn link posted by early next week.

Have a wonderful weekend!
