
Weekend Update

Happy Friday!

We had a fantastic author assembly today.  Author Gary Hogg did a writing workshop with your children.  They were all very engaged, and they all learned a lot.    If your children are interested in ordering a book (or several books) written by this author, I will have an order form on the blog tomorrow afternoon which you can print off and send with your child on Monday with payment.  Gary Hogg will autograph the books and they will be delivered back to our school.  His simple approach really hooked the children and in the end, I believe they, or should I say we, will all be better writers because of it.


A reminder for the sixth grade students – Native American Research Projects are due on Monday, November 17th.   If you have any questions about your child’s project, please email me.  As stated before, these projects were mainly done in class with finishing touches needed at home.

Book reports are due this coming Friday, November 21.  As discussed in class, these reports were intentionally due before fall break so that your children did not have to think about them during the holiday family time.  This also will give your children time to begin working on their country reports for the International Festival.

Picture retakes are Tuesday, November 18.  If your child missed school photos the first time around, this is your opportunity for retakes.

Have a wonderful weekend!




Pi Day and The Odyssey

This Friday is Pi Day (3-14).  Because Friday is professional development, and since there is no school, we will celebrate Pi Day on Thursday.


We Love Pi!!

We will celebrate by discovering Pi, doing the Dance of the Sugar Pie Fairy and, of course, eating pie! In order to eat pie, we need to have pie. If you are interested in donating a pie, plates or plastic ware, sign up on the WeJoin in link on the sidebar.

Thursday afternoon, Weber County Library will present The Odyssey during an in class “field trip”.

As always, thanks for all you do to support our class!!