

Today is the final SAGE test.  Woo Hoo!

Our students have done quite well with the new test format.  It is much more rigorous than the CRTs, and demands that the students are truly able to demonstrate their knowledge in a variety of ways.  Being a pilot year, and because of the increased rigor, the state has made a statement that they expect scores on these exams to be lower than in the past.   Having said that, we do not expect to see results from this series of tests until December at the earliest.

We, Utah, teachers, students, MMA, are learning how to navigate the process of this new testing protocol.   I for one think we are moving in the right direction with this new testing format.

If you have any questions about the test itself, or test scores, you may contact the office.


This entry was posted on May 21, 2014, in General.

Final Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up

After further consideration, I will be holding individual parent teacher conferences at the end of this month.  Please sign up for a 20 minute slot at the link below, and on the side bar.  Again, these are student led conferences.  Come see how we ended our year and find out how you can help your child stay up to speed this summer.  I will have information for a variety of summer community programs available.



Important Dates, Please Mark Your Calendars

With the year coming to a close, we have several events happening.  Please take note of these dates and mark your calendars.

The most important, upcoming event is taking place tomorrow afternoon, Thursday, May 8.   This full scale evacuation drill will take place between the hours of noon and 3 pm.  Someone MUST be available to pick your children up from school.   Please ensure your emergency contact information is up to date.  If there have been any recent changes, please contact the office to we can get this squared away.  If the person who arrives is not an approved contact, your child will not be released to them.   Because the police and fire departments will be using the school to conduct their own training drills, your students will not be allowed back into the school after the drill.  Any personal items, including shoes, lunchboxes and coats, can be retrieved on Friday, May 9th.

Now for the less serious events.

May 23rd – Field Day (please send your child with sunscreen, hat and                                              appropriate clothing for spending the day outside).

May 26th – No school – Memorial Day

May 27th – Read-a-thon  (children can bring blankets and a pillow).

May 28th- Crazy hair or hat day

May 29th- Crazy sock day and 6th grade Graduation (10:30-12:00)

May 30th – PJ day and yearbook signing.  PJs must meet our friday dress                                      code.  No characters, shorts shorter than knee length, or tank                                      tops.

The final week of school, May 27th through May 30th, are early release days.  We have Parent Teacher Conferences  Tuesday, May 27th through Thursday, May 29th.  These will be student led, group type conferences as we saw during the last round of conferences.  I will have a sign up sheet available by Friday, May 9th.  If you wish to have an individual conference, please contact me by email so I can schedule that for you.  Otherwise feel free to sign up for the time that will fit best into your schedule.

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jog

We made it! Our 6th graders were phenomenal, they worked so well together, and they grew so much. It is amazing what happened in such a short period of time.

We have a very busy week this week. Tomorrow we will be coming back together as an entire class with some team building initiatives, Tuesday we have a field trip to The Leonardo Museum, and Wednesday we have our language arts SAGE test.

Our train leaves the station at 8:09. Please have your students to the Ogden Front Runner station by 7:45. If you are late, we will not be able to wait and your child will need to be taken to school. Children should follow our regular dress code. If they have an MMA t-shirt, they may wear this for the trip. Please pack a sack lunch that does not require heating. We will not have access to a microwave. No electronics are allowed. Children may bring a book or card games to pass the time on the train.

I’m looking forward to reconnect with all the students this week.


SAGE Writing Test Tomorrow

As an additional reminder, we have our SAGE writing assessment tomorrow.  Please be sure your kiddos get adequate sleep, eat a healthy breakfast and are on time for school to ensure a stress-free start.    

Also, send your student with a healthy snack for an extra boost of energy during our mid-test break.  Acceptable snacks include string cheese, yogurt, nuts or even a protein shake or bar.   Please do not send candy, sweets, or noisy snacks that come in crinkly packaging, or anything the might leave a cheesy, crumby trail (Cheetos, Doritos, etc). We want our students to be able to concentrate and the above mentioned items will create a distraction.

Thanks for helping your kids do their very best!


This entry was posted on April 22, 2014, in General.