
Cross Country

Below is a message from Ms. Anna, our athletic director.

Hello Parents,

This email is a reminder about your students up-coming meets and expectations for them. Parents are responsible for transporting to and from the meets and any carpooling communication should be between each other, the school and the coaches cannot facilitate any rides and are not responsible for transportation.  The coaches have asked that students arrive at the meet locations at 3:45 to allow for proper warm-up time and so students can become familiar with the track they are running. Girls will run at 4:30 sharp and boys races start at 5:00. The expectation is that the boys and girls stay for each other’s races to support and cheer each other on.  If for some reason your student needs to be late or leave early please let the coaches know and make arrangements with them. (coaches have been CC’d on this email)

Runners from MMA need to wear black shorts, a plain, white t-shirt, and running shoes (please no Converse, Cleats, or anything other than a running shoe!) . Runner bibs will be provided by the school.

Meets will be held on Tuesdays only.

Sept. 9: @ Legacy Prep. Academy (2214 S 1250 W Woods Cross UT)

Sept. 16: @ North Davis Prep.  (1765 W Hill Field Rd, Layton, UT 84041)

Sept. 23: @ MMA (TBD)

Sept. 30: @ Legacy Prep.

Regions, Oct. 7: North Davis Prep.

State, Oct. 14: TBD

We will need parent support when we host our meet for taking runner times, helping with water, and any other odds and ends. We don’t have a location yet, but if you know you will be available to volunteer that day please let us know!

Thanks for all you do!

Anna Hafen

This entry was posted on September 3, 2014, in General.

Studio Session 1

We begin our first session of studio next Friday, September 12th.  The kids are super excited to begin their art, music and health classes.

At 2:30 today we have our first studio assembly.  At this assembly, your students will hear about the choices available to them.  They will be bringing home a flyer with information about each one of their choices.  Attached to the info will be a colored sign up sheet.  Please look at this with them as they fill it out.  They need to rank their choices in order of interest for EACH “session”.  There should be a first, second, third and in one instance fourth choice in each “session”.  Please ensure their first, last and teacher name (mine, of course) is listed in all three areas.

I know it is short notice, but we are beginning the process of forming classes on Friday. This is a time consuming process; therefore, the due date for the forms is tomorrow, Thursday, September 3rd.    I apologize for the short notice.


This entry was posted on September 3, 2014, in General.

Week Three

I hope you all have enjoyed the three day weekend.  I think it’s just what the kids needed before the long haul to fall break.

We have spent the last 2 weeks getting to know each other, building connections and strengthening our relationships through a variety of cooperative games and engineering design challenges.  We have a lot of problem solvers in our classroom!

This week we begin our modified work cycle.  We will spend a lot of time organizing and learning the procedures for planning our work day and recording our work.  Organization is very important to your child’s success, the more externally organized your child, the more organized their mind will be as well.  Though the time spent doing this could be used in lessons, the foundations we lay now will benefit your student greatly as the year progresses.

In the morning, we will begin reviewing parts of speech, punctuation rules and the hierarchy of numbers.   In the afternoon, on Tuesday, we have our first science lesson. Fourth grade students will be attending science with Mr. John, fifth grade students will remain with me, and sixth grade students will attend science with Ms. Kirsten.   Wednesday-Friday in the afternoon we will begin our Geography unit, and Friday morning we will have our first physiology lesson.

Wednesday we begin P.E.  Please ensure your child has the proper footwear and clothing to participate.  While the weather is nice, P.E. will be held outside which means sunscreen is a must!  The class length is 40 minutes and this is far too long to be outside without sun protection.  Feel free to send your child with a hat, that is free of logos and characters, that they can wear too, these are always allowed outside.

We have several additional activities happening this week.  On Tuesday, our 6th level students have a meeting to discuss volunteer opportunities as well as the 6th grade field trip, Wednesday afternoon we have our first studio assembly, and Thursday night is back to school night from 6:30-7:30.

Please be on the lookout for the studio flyer to come home with your child.  This must be filled out and returned on Thursday.  If this is not returned, your child will be placed in an available class rather than in a class of their choice.  I will also have the studio course descriptions posted on the blog Tuesday night if you would like a preview.


Field Trip Information

At Maria Montessori Academy we feel that “going out” experiences, aka field trips, are vital to your child’s educational experience.   Buses are extremely expensive; therefore, we rely on parent drivers.  The more certified parent drivers we have, the more field trips we can take.    If you are interested in being a certified parent driver you will have an opportunity to become one at back to school night.  The fee is $60 which covers the cost of the background check and fingerprint scan.   Your certification is good for 6 years.

If you are currently a certified driver, please drop me a line so I can add you to my list.

Being a driver does count toward your 40 hour annual family requirement.

Again, we appreciate all the volunteer time you provide to support your student’s education.



Silent Reading

Today we began our silent reading.  Each day after recess we have fifteen minutes of silent reading.  It was awesome looking around the classroom today seeing all of the children reading.

Although we haven’t discussed the details of our first book report yet, the genre we will be reporting on for the month of September is fiction.  Your child can bring any book they would like to read, but it would be a good idea for them to bring the book they are planning on using for their book report.

Several students did not come with a book today.  We have a few books in our classroom library that they are free to read, but it would be helpful if they come to class with something they are excited about reading.  If your child has a book at home that they would like to use for their silent reading, please be sure they bring it with them to school each day.  This will ensure they have a book of their choice, as well as save a lot of time browsing our library shelf.


This entry was posted on August 25, 2014, in General.