
STEM Opportunity for 6th Grade Girls

Happy Wednesday!

Registration for this year’s “Expanding Your Horizons” conference is on September 26.   My own daughter participated in this STEM Conference for several years and had an amazing time.    If you are interested for your child, I recommend registering her as soon as registration opens, it fills up fast.


Week 5

Good Evening!

Your kids have been working so hard the last couple of weeks.  I am impressed with their motivation and excitement toward learning.  Please be sure you take a couple of minutes each night to check their planners and ask them about the work they have been doing each day in class.  Those conversations will help them connect what they are doing in school to home and will give you a good idea of how they spend their time.

4th level students have learned a new mnemonic to use as a strategy for opinion essay writing and they used it to outline their first formal essay/paragraph.  Writing is a skill that takes a lot of practice and patience.

5th and 6th level students are learning how to use a “Stoplight” graphic organizer for their essay writing.  Although they have not outlined a formal essay yet, they have worked in partners to practice using the strategy.  I’m excited to see where they go with it!

Ms. Rachael presented our first Botany lesson of the year today.  Your kids were so engaged and polite and I’m so proud of them.  We have the privilege of her lessons once a month this school year.  She is an amazingly knowledgeable Botanist!

6th Grade Expert Project

Please be sure your 6th grader brings their library books to class on Thursday.  We will be using them for our next lesson.  You can find all of the lessons to date at the link at the top of the blog.  I’m excited they are taking this seriously, as it is a lot of work, but it will be an amazing reward when they present their projects in April.


6th Grade Parent Meeting

Good Evening!

Don’t forget our first parent and student meeting of the year is tomorrow, Thursday, September 8 at 6:00pm.  If your child is planning on attending the field trip to Alliance Redwoods, you and your child must attend.  We will discuss volunteer requirements for students as well as basic expectations to be able to attend this life changing trip.

If, for some reason, you are unable to attend, please let me know so I can share pertinent information with you.


Honor Choir

This is a message from our Music Specialist, Ms. Connie, regarding Honor Choir.

                                                     MMA Honor Choir

MMA is excited to offer a before school Honor Choir for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders.   They will be learning and having fun at the same time!  We will practice on Wednesdays before school at 7:40 a.m. in the morning and go till 8:30 a.m..  Practices will start on September 7th .   Below is a practice and performance schedule.  Please make sure you can be there for all of these!


Practice schedule:        Sept 7, 14, 21, 28

Oct 5, 12, 19, 26

Nov 2, 9, 16, 30

Dec 7

Performance dates:     Nov 17, Gratitude feast

Dec 8, Evening Holiday concert


Practice schedule:         Jan 18, 25

Feb 1, 8, 22

Mar 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

April 12, 19, 26

Performance dates:      April 27, evening Spring concert

May 4, evening MAPA meeting

May 19, possible graduation ceremony* TBD

May 23, 24 during school bridging ceremonies


*You can choose whether your student participates for half of the year OR the full year.     The cost for half year is $30 per student.  The full year is $60 per student.   If half way through the year you know your child wants to participate the rest of the year, you can re-register in January.

Sign up quick before the spots are filled! 

Try to get registration and payment in before September 5th!


*Registration forms can be picked up at the office, or they are in the newsletter.  Use the online links to pay and get the registration form from the newsletter .

*I am in need of Parent volunteers.  I would need someone (or a few) that can play piano and can be at all the practices on Wednesday mornings.  I would appreciate any other help also.  We will have props, costumes, etc. to coordinate.  Contact me with any questions through email if interested.  (  ) Thank you so much!  I am looking forward to it!

Year at a Glance

Please take a few minutes to look over our classroom summary schedule for the school year.  It includes dates of upcoming field trips as well as important school wide dates.


Year at a Glance

This entry was posted on September 5, 2016, in General.