
6th Grade Expert Project Progress Update

6th Year Parents

What a treat is is to be working with your children on this project!  The topics they have chosen are interesting and their dedication to putting together a project to the best of their ability is amazing.

As you may have noticed, we have turned a corner on the year-long journey of Expert Project.  The students are now outlining, drafting, and revising the information they have gathered over the last few months.  They are putting their 5 1/2 years of elementary school training into practice.  This work takes great skill, patience, perseverance, time, and occasionally, blood, sweat and tears.

One of the many beauties of this project is that for this one time in their educational career, they have great support each step of the way for writing such an enormous paper – from each other, from me and from you.

There are two ways in which you can support at home.  First, each week I have asked the students to either read their latest chapter aloud to an older sibling or parent, or have an older sibling or parent read it aloud to them.  (Chapter one and two drafts were both due within the last two weeks.)  This is to help them hear how the writing flows.  As I’m sure you remember, it is challenging to take a collection of notes and turn them into a flowing document.  An ear to bounce off of is helpful.  Usually that is all you need to do – they can hear what needs to be changed when it is read aloud.  The second way you can support them is by ensuring there is time in the busy family life for he or she to work. If your son or daughter is not yet strong at managing his/her time, please help by asking such things as, “How much time do you think you need for Expert Project this week?” and, “Which days will you make that happen?”  They are indeed responsible for doing it, but supporting them by letting them know you are aware of the work, and can help them figure out a schedule, is valuable.

We are planning to send out “Save the Date” cards this week, but I will also share with you, the presentations will be held on Wednesday, April 26th at 6:00 pm.

Thank you for supporting your child in this year-long endeavor!  Your children are amazing!  Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions you may have.

Art Guild – Winter Session

Please see the following message from our art specialists:

The 2nd session has started but we are still welcoming new students  to join this session as well as the 3rd !

Attached you will find a flier to advertise our after school program- “Art Guild

Parents can sign up for whichever session(s) they wish. Each session is $50.00. Find the Art Guild Payment Link here:

If you have any questions, please contact Andria Yost or Trudy Malan.




This entry was posted on January 18, 2017, in General.

Week 23 – The long awaited blog post

My sincere apologies for the delayed post.  It seems like after Winter Break, the kids aren’t the only ones struggling to get back into a solid routine.

A lot has happened in our classroom since returning after the new year.  We started out the year talking about Growth vs. Fixed mindset.  The students are working toward having a growth mindset in all they do.  It’s rewarding to hear them come to class each day sharing how they had a growth mindset.  Some students even come in admitting to having a fixed mindset, but then follow it up with ways they could have changed their mindset.  This is an attitude that we are all striving to attain.  Check out this beautiful Ted Talk about growth mindset.

Our sixth grade socials committee has been working hard on planning the upcoming Winter Dance.  This activity is designed to allowed sixth grade students spend time with other sixth grade students outside of the classroom.  Each year the students have an opportunity to participate in two social activities prior to the field trip to the Redwoods.  These activities help to build bonds that will make Alliance Redwoods an even more powerful experience.

The Winter Dance is this Thursday, January 19 from 5:00-6:30.  Students are invited to bring a finger food to share.

Our annual 5th grade field trip to JA Biztown is next week, January 25.  We look forward to this trip every year.  If you have signed up to be a volunteer, I will be contacting you via email with detailed information about your duties.



Pancake Breakfast Friday, December 16

Our annual, pre-holiday, pancake breakfast is this Friday, December 16.  Parents should arrive at 10:30 for a small “program” followed by delicious pancakes, fruit and drinks.

A sign-up sheet to donate items, or time, can be found here.    We are still in need of pancake mix, drinks, fruit, butter, electric griddles, and 2 parent volunteers to help cook.  We will begin cooking at 10:00.

Please RSVP by Wednesday to my school email letting me know if you will be joining us, and how many people will come (excluding your child).


Week 14

Thank you all who participated in our annual Chili Cook Off!  This is my all time favorite community building event.

This week we are busy working and learning many new and different things.


We have an amazing parent volunteer (and close friend of mine) teaching Botany lessons this year.  We are so lucky to have Rachael Bush in our classrooms once a month giving foundation lessons!  She brings a passion and energy to this subject that cannot be matched!  We are learning about the importance of roots as supporters and nitrogen fixers (thank you symbiotic relationships!).  We will be following up in class with a traveling nitrogen activity as well as a beautiful work demonstrating the nitrogen cycle.

International Festival is a month away.  Please be sure your child is working on this project at home.  The expectations for this project were given to your student, and can also be found under the International Festival tab at the top of the blog.  This year the festival will be held on Monday, December 19 from 9-11.  Parents are welcome to attend.

4th Level  – We have just started our fractions studies in class.  With Thanksgiving right around the corner, this is a wonderful time to have your child practice using fractions in the real world by reading recipes, measuring ingredients and spending time with family in the kitchen!  Understanding of fractions is a crucial part of our world.

5th Level  – We are continuing our fraction studies this week with multiplication of fractions by whole numbers.  Do you have a recipe that is written for 4, and need to scale it up for 8? Allow your child to help you with this fun and important task during the holidays when it is natural for you to spend time in the kitchen.

6th Level – Currently, rates and ratios are the focus of our math studies   Like fractions, ratios are used in the kitchen.  What better time to practice in the real world than during the time of year we spend a lot of time cooking and preparing for guests.

Redwoods payment due Wednesday, November 16.

Finally, if you have any questions regarding any of the grade level home projects, or the international festival, please send me an email.

No School – Monday, November 21-Friday, November 25.