
Week 3 – Important Dates to Remember

It’s hard to believe we are already entering our third week of school.

Your kids have their first home project, elements, and have been given time in class to get started.  The majority of the remaining work will be completed at home, with the finished project due in class Monday, September 18.

Our class is bonding well and friendships are being formed.  It is important to speak to your child about using time wisely in class, even though what they might really want to do is chat with their new friends.  We will be discussing time management this week and how to balance work with breaks in order to become amazing learners.

Silent Reading – Please make sure your child brings a book from home to read during our silent reading period.  This is a quiet transition time each day after recess into our afternoon cultural activities.  We have a small class library, but I have noticed there are numerous children not interested in the books available in our room.   If you know your child is particular in their reading habits, please help them select a book from home to bring to school each day.

Dates to Remember

  • September 7: Back to School Night –  6:00 pm
  • September 12: 6th grade Parent/Student Redwoods Meeting –  5:30 pm
  • September 15: Freedom’s Light Constitution Day Field Trip* – permission slips                                             coming home this week
  • September 18: Element home project due

*I’m looking for a parent willing to organize carpool for our class field trips.  We have numerous field trips this year that will require parent drivers/chaperones.   Please email me if you are interested in taking on this role for our class this year.

Planetarium Field Trip – Sixth Grade Only

If your sixth grade child is going on the field trip tomorrow, they need to be dropped off at the Ogden Front Runner station no later than 7:15 tomorrow (Wednesday, March 29) morning.  They need to be picked up at the Ogden Front Runner station at 3:00pm.  Please pick up students from the field trip before picking up others at MMA.

Your child should bring:

  • a lunch that does not require heating
  • a coat or other weather appropriate clothing, we will be walking outside
  • if desired, cards or other quiet activity for the train ride

Your child should not bring:

  • electronics, including phones (not even for pictures)
  • candy or other foods that do not adhere to MMA’s health and wellness policy

I look forward to our trip tomorrow!

This entry was posted on March 28, 2017, in Fieldtrip.

The Leonardo Field Trip Reminder

If your child is going on the field trip tomorrow, they need to be dropped off at the Ogden Front Runner station no later than 7:45 tomorrow (Thursday, February 23) morning.  They need to be picked up at the Ogden Front Runner station at 3:00pm.  Please pick up students from the field trip before picking up others at MMA.

Your child should bring:

  • a lunch that does not require heating
  • a coat or other weather appropriate clothing
  • if desired, cards or other quiet activity for the train ride

Your child should not bring:

  • electronics, including phones
  • candy or other foods that do not adhere to MMA’s health and wellness policy

I look forward to our trip tomorrow!


Week 23 – The long awaited blog post

My sincere apologies for the delayed post.  It seems like after Winter Break, the kids aren’t the only ones struggling to get back into a solid routine.

A lot has happened in our classroom since returning after the new year.  We started out the year talking about Growth vs. Fixed mindset.  The students are working toward having a growth mindset in all they do.  It’s rewarding to hear them come to class each day sharing how they had a growth mindset.  Some students even come in admitting to having a fixed mindset, but then follow it up with ways they could have changed their mindset.  This is an attitude that we are all striving to attain.  Check out this beautiful Ted Talk about growth mindset.

Our sixth grade socials committee has been working hard on planning the upcoming Winter Dance.  This activity is designed to allowed sixth grade students spend time with other sixth grade students outside of the classroom.  Each year the students have an opportunity to participate in two social activities prior to the field trip to the Redwoods.  These activities help to build bonds that will make Alliance Redwoods an even more powerful experience.

The Winter Dance is this Thursday, January 19 from 5:00-6:30.  Students are invited to bring a finger food to share.

Our annual 5th grade field trip to JA Biztown is next week, January 25.  We look forward to this trip every year.  If you have signed up to be a volunteer, I will be contacting you via email with detailed information about your duties.



Week 9 Update – AWHC Field Trip, Fall Festival, Book Fair

With the 4th level field trip to the American West Heritage Center on Wednesday, Fall Festival Friday, and Parent Teacher Conferences next week, we are busy.

4th Level Field Trip – Please drop your child off by 8:05 on Wednesday, October 12 to ensure they are on the bus and ready to go at 8:15.  I will meet your kiddos at the front of the school and  walk them over to the bus at North Shore.  They will need a “sack” lunch and appropriate dress.  They can wear jeans, but must be in dress code shirt.  It will be chilly in the morning, but warm up in the afternoon.  Please make sure they are prepared with a jacket, water bottle and sunscreen.  This field trip is entirely outside.

5th Level Invention Convention – This year 5th level students will be participating in a STEM inspired Invention Convention rather than science fair.  I introduced the project to your students last week and gave them a rough timeline as well as their first assignment for the project.  Unfortunately, the timeline I gave them was quite rough and I have decided to change some of the details.  Please watch for an updated timeline to come home this week.  If you would like to view a digital version, you can see it under the invention convention tab at the top of the blog.

All Parents – During parent teacher conference next week, MAPA will be hosting our first book fair of the year. Please sign up to volunteer during book fair.  This vital event helps fund books for the library as well as pays for the beautiful scholastic magazines that all students receive.  This time will go towards your mandatory 40 hours per year.