Update Week 1.5

We successfully navigated our way through the first week of school and are off to a good start for our second week.

During our first week we did a lot of team building and activities that helped everyone get to know each other.  Our class is slowly coming together and friendships are being made. Even our most shy students are beginning to make connections with their classmates.   As we begin our modified work cycle, we will continue building our class culture.

This week we begin our great lessons.  You can read a post that I wrote about the great lessons here.  Our class did something a little different this year to begin our study of the great lessons.  Your children decided to become teachers of the first great lesson to our lower elementary peer mentor class.  Several students presented the lesson and afterward we went outside and they facilitated experiments and demonstrations for the younger students.  Ms. Holly’s class was completely engaged!  Well done, little teachers!

Today Ms. Holly is hosting another great lesson for our class.

We are beginning a modified work cycle with returning students carrying on where they left off last year, and new students beginning to learn routines and procedures for choosing work, getting it checked and turning it in.  Because we are going slowly to ensure success, you will see their planners gradually begin to fill up as your children learn how to plan their day.  By October 1, they should be planning their work day all on their own.