Holiday Fever

Last night the spaghetti dinner talent show was a great success. Thanks to all of you who helped make it happen.

Next week we will continue with our regular morning work cycle, Monday through Wednesday, with a slightly modified afternoon routine. Thursday morning is our pancake breakfast. The children wrote persuasive essays regarding “free time” Thursday afternoon. A couple of them were quite convincing, several suggested making a goal in order to have free time, and one even opposed free time. I love seeing their individual personalities come out in their writing.

At 10:30, Friday, we will be performing at our annual holiday program. Please have your children wear clothing that would be appropriate for performing in front of a crowd.

As always, thank you for supporting our efforts in the classroom. Keep practicing those math facts at home, and if you haven’t started, please do. I cannot stress how important it is that your children can quickly recall their multiplication facts.
