4th Grade Fieldtrip

The permission slips for the 4th grade fieldtrip went home yesterday.  Thank you to those of you who returned them promptly.   We need all fieldtrip forms returned no later than Monday.  The school has a strict policy regarding fieldtrip permission slips.  If your child has been on vacation this week, please send me an email.  I will scan a copy of the paperwork that you can print at home and return with your child Monday morning.

We are asking for a $6.50 donation to cover the cost of transportation and admission to the program at AWHC.  This is not the entire cost of the fieldtrip, so if you are able, please consider donating.  We do have a classroom budget for fieldtrips and we are using a portion of our budget to cover the remaining costs.

The link where you can pay online is below.  You can also pay by check or card at the front office.  We CANNOT accept any cash.  Please do not send cash with your children.

