Week 16 Update

I hope you all had a relaxing Thanksgiving Holiday!

We are back in full swing in the classroom, and your children are working hard.

4th Grade – Utah History Project research notes were due Monday, November 28.  I have only received notes from one student.  If your child has not begun this research, they are falling behind.  Please ensure your child turns in their notes no later than Friday, December 2.  If you need an additional copy of the timeline for this project, you can print another from the link on the homepage of the blog titled Utah History Project.

5th Grade – Invention Convention problem selection was due November 18.  Currently only 2 students have turned in this assignment.  With 2 more assignment due dates looming and International Festival upcoming, it is crucial your child stays on track.  You can print a timeline for the current assignments from the homepage of the blog.  Look for the page titled Invention Convention.

6th Grade – Expert projects are well underway.  Your child should complete 80% of their research before winter break.  Students who are falling behind will need to work hard to catch up.  This year long project has been carefully timed and mapped out so as not to be too overwhelming.  We meet for Expert Project lessons every Thursday.  Please encourage your child to come prepared with all necessary assignments and materials.

Whole Class

  • International Festival is on Monday, December 19.  Copies of the expectations for this home project can be found on the homepage of the blog under the International Festival tab.  Please support your child’s efforts so they will have a successful experience during this school-wide celebration.
  • Our annual pancake breakfast is coming up Friday, December 16.  Please mark your calendars and join us, if you can, for this pre-holiday celebration.   Please sign up to help out with donations of food or time at the following link.  

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me.