Water Cycle Terrariums

Red Butte Garden has several amazing “tool kits” available for teachers.   Our class has been lucky enough to obtain one of the tool kits.  This kit focuses on water use in the desert, which we happen to live in, and study in all grade levels in upper elementary.

In addition to the materials and lessons provided in the kit, external resources are needed to fully utilize each lesson.  I took an informal survey of your kids this afternoon (after a great experience with plant specimens of both native and non-native plants) to see how many of them might have some supplies around the house that would enable us to build water cycle terrariums.  I was excited to hear that most of them thought they might be able to donate items you already have around your homes.

The items needed to make these terrariums are listed below:


Gravel (pea gravel or extra aquarium gravel)


Charcoal (for terrariums)

Wide mouth Jars (3-5″) or large salad clam shells (the type you get at Costco with your salad greens)

If you have any of these items available at home (please don’t go out and purchase anything) please let me know via email (or a note in your child’s planner).  If we are able to collect enough of these items, we will be building these terrariums Friday morning.

As always, thanks for all of your support!