Important: Natural History Museum Field Trip Tomorrow

Don’t forget our trip to the Natural History Museum is tomorrow, Thusday, October 22.

Please be sure your child meets their prearranged ride at 8:25.  Rides will be leaving at 8:40 tomorrow in order to make sure we arrive at the museum on time.  Any child whose ride has not been arranged tonight (most of you have done so, , thank you!), will stay at school with another upper elementary teacher.

Bring: Lunch that does not require heating, jacket, camera (stand alone camera only please)

Leave home: Electronics, toys, large back packs, phones

We will leave the museum around 1:00 to return to the school for the last hour of the day and students will be picked up from the school at regular release time.

Thanks to the parents who are joining us on the trip!  We couldn’t have done it without your help.